Kindergarten Education Plan
Chinese Cultural School-based Activity

Year Grade
2022-2023Year K3

Name of Activity

  1. K3 Inquiry-based project - “I Love China.”
  2. Open Day

Learning Goals

  • Help children learn and appreciate Chinese art and culture.
  • Nurture an emerging national identity.
  • Explore ways to play with traditional Chinese toys.
  • Explore traditional Chinese cuisine.
  • Appreciate traditional Chinese food culture, architecture and crafts.

Summary of activity

  1. Inquiry-based learning – “I love China” aims at helping children build up their national identity through learning about Chinese cuisines, exploring traditional toys, and appreciating traditional food culture, architecture and crafts.
  2. An abundance of Chinese art elements appeared on our Open Day events, including the making of Chinese toys, cutting out traditional paper artworks which were then used to decorate our children’s own handbooks. Spinning tops and Chinese tambourines were also used to enrich our children’s learning.

Photo Album